Members are advised that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Mandurah City Football Club, will be held at the Poolmart Stadium on Monday 4th November 2024 at 6:30pm to transact the business as outlined in the Club's constitution.
• To confirm the minutes of the previous AGM and any General Meeting that has been held since the previous AGM.
• To receive the Annual Report and the Report of the Board on the general business undertaken by the Club during the preceding year and the current general state of the Club.
• To receive the Financial Report of the Club and Auditor’s Report for the preceding Financial Year.
• To declare the result for the election or re-election of the Directors.
• To appoint or remove an Auditor or Auditors if required.
• To confirm by Special Resolution, Life Memberships as proposed by the Board and award Life Memberships.
• To approve the proposed changes to the current constitution listed below.
Nominations are now called for the following positions:
Vice President
Nominations for the above positions must be made, in writing, to the secretary at and to be received no later than 5pm Friday 1st November 2024
Committee Members – Minimum Four (4) required for a One (1) year term
As per the constitution, all members of the committee who are not in the executive committee, are up for nomination. Nominations for these positions must be made, in writing, to the secretary at and to be received no later than 5pm Friday 1st November 2024.
Nominations are called for the following positions:
Female Football Director
Junior & Youth Football Director
Stadium Manager
Commercial Manager
Media Manager
Events Coordinator
Safety & Operations Manager
Compliance & Operations Manager
General Committee Members
After a review of the club's constitution and a more streamlined membership scheme that will be implemented in 2025, the following changes to the constitution are proposed:
The removal of Section 3.1.g
Family membership – up to two adults & 2 children, season ticket holders and participation in the ancillary objects of the club.
Section 6.1.d
Junior Member - Persons under the age of 18 years may make application to the club as a Junior Member. Persons granted this category of membership, will require a sporting affiliation, but shall have no voice in the management of the club and shall not be entitled to hold any office or vote at any meeting of the club, however junior membership fees when fully paid include entitlement to one family membership for immediate family. This category of member will not have the authority to sign in guests to the club. Any Junior Member on attaining the age of 18 years, wishing to remain a member of the club, shall be granted the appropriate club membership and shall pay the full subscription as set down from time to time.
Changed to:
Junior Member - Persons under the age of 18 years may make application to the club as a Junior Member. Persons granted this category of membership, will require a sporting affiliation, but shall have no voice in the management of the club and shall not be entitled to hold any office or vote at any meeting of the club. This category of member will not have the authority to sign in guests to the club. Any Junior Member on attaining the age of 18 years, wishing to remain a member of the club, shall be granted the appropriate club membership and shall pay the full subscription as set down from time to time.
Section 6.2
Ordinary Members and Life Members shall be allowed to vote. Family membership shall include 1 vote to be executed by an adult of that membership.
Changed to:
Ordinary Members, Social Member and Life Members shall be allowed to vote.
Section 7.2
Social Membership/Family Membership - Any person desiring to become such a member of The Club shall sign an application form provided and submit to the Secretary. When the Secretary receives the application form, it shall then be presented to the Committee for consideration. The applicant will then be accepted or denied membership.
Changed to:
Social Membership - Any person desiring to become such a member of The Club shall sign an application form provided and submit to the Secretary. When the Secretary receives the application form, it shall then be presented to the Committee for consideration. The applicant will then be accepted or denied membership.
Section 8.1.c
Employees and Volunteers - Members who are employees or Volunteers of the club are entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership.
Changed to:
Employees and Volunteers - Members who are employees, committee members and coaches of junior and/or social teams of the club are entitled to all the rights and privileges of a discounted fee in a social membership.
Section 12.4.a & b
A person may be a committee member if the person is -
a) an individual who has reached 18 years of age; and
b) an ordinary member
Changed to:
A person may be a committee member if the person is -
a) an individual who has reached 18 years of age; and
b) an ordinary, social or life member
After the AGM, Spinifex Brewery will be present, extending an invitation to sample their superb selection of beers. You are encouraged to join us for both the AGM and the optional beer tasting session, where you can interact with the club's management and ask any questions you may have about the club's operations.
Attendance at the AGM on Monday, 4th November, does not require pre-registration.
