Football West recently announced that they were organizing a "C" licence course in our area, and Mandurah City wasted no time in seizing this opportunity to enhance the skills of our coaches. The course serves as an excellent platform for coaches to improve their abilities and then impart that knowledge to the players. It took place in South Yunderup, and an impressive total of 6 coaches from Mandurah City participated, surpassing the number from any other club in the region. This demonstrates the club's commitment to providing top-notch coaching for all its players. Unfortunately, attending these courses can be quite costly, so we are extremely grateful to the Peel Regional Football Council for generously providing a grant to each of our coaches. We would like to congratulate Andy Whitall, Ben Lindsay, Dave Gunner, Lloyd Moseley, Richard Toye, and Jamie Andrews for taking part in the course, and we wish them all the best in passing with flying colours!
Coaches Getting The Best Qualifications
Updated: Feb 16, 2024